Martial Arts are a great sport that has many more benefits than just training your body to look good at the beach with your friends.
By practicing a martial art, you are training your body and your mind in such a way that you are great at self-defense but also as peaceful as you can be.
Most of these martial arts in the list will teach you a life style of respect, compassion and loving for others as well as the tools to defend yourself in time of an attack. Read on and choose the best for you.
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Stand-Up Or Striking Martial Arts

Perhaps the most widely known type of martial art in the world is the standing one. We all have the memory of mighty Bruce Lee kicking his opponents and defeating them in epic fights. Well, this kind of martial art teaches students to defend and attack while standing on their feet using hands, arms, legs and other parts of the body like elbows or knees. Some of the styles are:
- Capoeira
- Karate
- Krav Maga
- Kung Fu
- Muay Thai
- Tae Kwon Do
- Tang Soo Do
Ground-Fighting Martial Arts
This style of martial art was mostly popularized lately because of the popularity rise of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. All its forms teach students how to get the enemies to the ground and practice a grab or dominant move on them so they can be immobilized and surrender. Some of them are:
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
- Jujutsu
- Luta Livre
- Russian Sambo
- Sumo
Throwing Martial Arts

These fights always start with opponents on their feet and then, using different techniques, they try to throw down or take down the other fighter using mostly movements that involve their own strength. If you are a Steven Segal fan, you know exactly what Aikido is all about.
- Aikido
- Judo
- Hapkido
- Shuai Jiao
Weapon-Based Martial Arts
There is a huge difference between using weapons in your martial art and weapon-based martial arts. These last ones are completely centered on the use of weapons and all moves involve them; some of the most common are:
- Kali
- Iaido
- Kendo
Meditative Styles Or Low Impact Martial Arts
Breathing, fitness and balance are among the highest aims of these martial arts. Most people select them to bring peace to their lives, but they were created for fighting and can still be used with that end; these are some of them.
- Baguazhang
- Tai Chi
Hybrid Fighting Styles

Popularized by the televised fights, mixed martial arts refer to some disciplines borrowing from each other and ending up with a mixture in which stand-up fights end up with submission and takedowns or throws. Some of the most popular of them are these:
- Jeet Kune Do
- Ninjutsu
Whichever style of martial art you choose, what matters the most is that you do it responsibly understanding that what you have been taught can potentially be harmful for others. Always remember the line that says with a big power comes a big responsibility.